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IBI: Rev. bras. implant.= IBI: Revista brasileira de implantodontia
IDA times = IDA times
Implant dent. = Implant dentistry
ImplantNews = Implantnews
Implantodontie = Implantodontie
In vivo = In vivo
Index dent. lit. = Index to dental literature
Index period. dental lit. = Index of the periodical dental literature
Indian j. compr. dent. care = Indian journal of comprehensive dental care
Indian j. dent. = Indian journal of dentistry
Indian j. dent. edu. = Indian Journal of dental education
Indian j. dent. res. = Indian journal of dental research
Indian. j. dent. sci. = Indian journal of dental sciences
Indian j. forensic. odontol. = Indian journal of forensic odontology
Indian j. stomatol. = Indian journal of stomatology
Innov. implant. j., biomater. esthet. = Innovations implant journal: biomaterials and esthetics
Invest. : Rev. Cient. Univ. Franca = Investigação : Revista Científica da Universidade de Franca
Int. dent. j. = International dental journal
Int. dent. res. = International dental research
Int. dent. med. disord. = International dental & medical disorders
Int. endod. j. = International endodontic journal
Int. j. adult orthodon. orthognath. surg. = International journal of adult orthodontics and orthognathic surgery Disponível de 2001 a 2002
Int. j. clin. dent. = International journal of clinical dentistry
Int. j. clin. dent. sci. = International journal of clinical dental science
Int. j. clin. pharmacol. ther. = International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
Int. j. dent. = IJD. International journal of dentistry
Int. j. dent. = International Journal of Dentistry
Int. j. dent. clin. = International journal of dental clinics
Int. j. dent. Sci. res. = International journal of dental sciences and research
Int. j. dent. hyg. = International journal of dental hygiene
Int. j. microdentistry: MICRO = International journal of microDentistry: Micro
Int. j. oral implantol. clin. res = International journal of oral implantology & clinical research
Int. j. oral maxillofac. implants. =International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants
Int. j. oral maxillofac. surg. = International journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery . Copenhagen
Int. j. oral myol. = International journal of orofacial myology
Int. j. oral sci. = International journal of oral science
Int. j. oral surg. = International journal of oral surgery
Int. j. orthodon = International journal of orthodontia
Int. j. orthod. dent. child. = International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children
Int. j. orthod. oral surg. = International journal of orthodontia and oral surgery
Int. j. paediatr. Dent = International journal of paediatric dentistry
Int. j. periodontics restorative dent. = International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry
Int. j. prosthodont. = International journal of prosthodontics
Int. j. stomatol. occlusion. med. = International journal of stomatology & occlusion medicine
Int. j. surg. pathol. = International journal of surgical pathology
Int. j. ultrasound appl. technol. perioper. care = International journal of ultrasound & applied technologies in perioperative care
Int. orthod. = International orthodontics
Int. poster j. dent. oral med. = International poster journal of dentistry and oral medicine
Internet. j. dent. sci. = Internet journal of dental science
ISRN Dent. = ISRN Dentistry